We started the January 2025 Weavers Study with a look at our next focus - which is going to be COLOR. Mollie brought a variety of color aids to give us an idea of where to look for ideas. There were books, samples, wheels, blocks, Palette Scout. And this fab pillow is the one she wove for our Open House display.
We'll move on to more COLORful projects shared with the group.
Barb brought this sample of plushies she wove from handspun. Plushies! There is always something new and fascinating happening in our group.
Kathy had us all enthralled with this handbag she wove. It has such subtle color changes and SHE WOVE IT ALL IN ONE PIECE. We were fascinated and wanted to run home with this bag over our shoulder. Look closely and you can see that she changed weft as she switched from the bag to the handle, and then back to the bag. She said it was nerve wracking to cut the fabric but otherwise it went smoothly.
I will post some of the other projects in the gallery for the Weavers Study Group - be sure top check that out once in a while. Next week I am going to start posting pictures of some of the wonderful donations we have to raffle at Open House. There is something for everyone! Remember: you are welcome any time to come join the study group. There is no commitment - just bring your projects, questions, talent and ideas. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month all year long.